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Making black salt…Wee tutorial on making ritual salt

I’m trying my hand making short instructional videos! This is on making black salt, or ritual salt, or witches’ salt. I’ve been making salt for ritual practice for a number of years, this batch comes from wood collected from up in Northern California. I recommend clean wood and dried plant material. This is not a culinary salt, it is used for ritual and clearing in your home, spellwork, and or consultations. Be mindful when using and of course, have the highest and best good with intentions.


Charred Western red cedar, crushed in mortar and pestle

White salt


Lavender buds

and I infuse lastly, under the full moon. Next one is May 29th. Flower Moon.

Happy hedge witch!

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Of Oak and Ash Botanical(s) – Black Salt

I’ve updated the shop with the Elemental Black Salt! I’ve been remiss not making any for a while.

There is a gargantuan amount of literature, published material, musings, and narratives on the uses of salt in magick.  While I won’t go into an explanation of the actual salt, I will say, I made these salts with the intention to include an inter-connectedness of praxis and exercise.  Meaning, I want people to use the salt as an extension of their own practice and connection with and for plants.  I will not “instruct” on the uses of the salt, it is not a ‘curio’ either. I will say, while my own extensions are present, my intention allows for individuals to access their own needs and uses.

I want to address and promote the work of a luminary woman, Catamara Rosarium who operates Rosarium Blends. Her products are produced with deep sense of investigation, wisdom, and heightened transgression. I have used her products, as part my process of making the elemental salt [specifically: Air], as I feel she has a particular sensibility for the relationship to the elements of air: love, aroma, and effectual bonding. Please support mindful herbalists!

Please email me with any comments or questions!

Elemental Black Salt [Set of four] also listed individually.